Szkoła Podstawowa nr 1 z Oddziałami Integracyjnymi

Żaba w Bodrum

Jednym z działań projektu Team Spirit jest opis wydarzeń z punktu widzenia maskotki projektu, czyli w naszym przypadku „Żaby”. Jest to opis w języku angielskim. Oto jak wspomina ostatni wyjazd do Bodrum...


Hello everyone,


   It’s me, Frog mascot from Poland. My last visit to Bodrum was incredible!  We arrived in Turkey on Sunday night. The next morning we went on a tiring but unforgettable trip to the mountains. The views were breathtaking! In the afternoon we went to the beach and  I swam in the warm sea- swimming is what I love the most!     

  Tuesday was a busy day- first we visited very important people- Mayor, District Governor and District Director of National Education. Then we walked to Aquarium Bay where I could swim in clear blue water.  After that there were even more attractions- I could try rowing! It was difficult at first but we had great instructors so everything went smoothly. In the afternoon I learnt traditional Turkish dances.

   Wednesday  was another day full of attractions. First, I did some orienteering games in Umurka Park, then  we all visited Ancient Theatre. In the afternoon I tried archery and had a yoga session.

   On Thursday we visited Bodrum castle and then I  could cool down in the swimming pool. After that we could present a dance that we had practiced earlier this week.  It went really well! Finally we had dinner with Turkish kebab and a delicious cake. Yummy!

   Luckily we didn’t have to return to Poland until Sunday so I spent the next two days on the beach and  at the swimming pool. I also  took a boat trip around the cost so there was even more swimming and diving! I will never forget this trip and the people I met there!